You won't be able to edit these files in Google Docs, but you will be able to download them on other PCs, decrypt them, and edit them using the desktop program of your choice. After a drive is mounted, you can treat it like a regular drive, on all the platforms. It will appear as if it were an external hard. Here’s how: Open VeraCrypt and click on Create Volume to launch the wizard. To encrypt your flash drive using VeraCrypt, you have to set up a data container.
#How to use veracrypt with google drive install
The steps are exactly similar if you are using VeraCrypt on other platforms like Linux or Mac OS. Just install the program, create a new encrypted file container within your Google Drive folder, and mount that file from Veracrypt's main window. When you use VeraCrypt to encrypt a flash drive, all the data on the drive is deleted, so make sure that you’ve removed any important files or emptied the drive beforehand. If you want to store particularly sensitive documents in Google Drive, you can easily encrypt a document on your PC, then upload it using Google's Backup and Sync desktop program. To unmount the drives, open VeraCrypt, choose the drive that you want to unmount, and click on ‘Dismount’, or click on ‘ Dismount All ’. The most secure cloud storage is the one you control-or, at the very least, the one in which you control the encryption. If Google's servers get hacked, or if you don't trust Google to keep your documents secure from its own employees, you'll want an extra layer of encryption-which means you'll have to give up Google Docs' online editing abilities. It does not, however, protect you if anything goes wrong on Google's end. With these security precautions in place, you can feel pretty safe that your friends, family, or laptop thieves will be locked out of any Google Docs you have stored online. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.